If you would rather pay for your dental care on an affordable monthly basis which covers all necessary dental treatment, Denplan Care could be for you. For more information please call the practice.
Denplan makes paying for dentistry simple. With Denplan you pay a fixed, affordable monthly amount. After that, it is our job to take care of your dentistry and your monthly payments cover your routine dentistry, including checkups, x-rays, hygiene and fillings.
Some exclusions and lab fees apply.
Please note: Denplan is not insurance but a payment plan, however it does include a supplementary insurance providing worldwide cover for any dental emergency.
For further details about Denplan please ask at reception for the Denplan literature or fill in the enquiry form below.
The above fees are just given as guidelines to give you an idea of the treatment costs at this practice. We keep our private prices low and affordable. Please book a consultation so that we can assess your treatment needs and provide you with a personalised treatment plan and costs.